目前分類:Linux cmd syntax (6)

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問題: 如何讓 adduser 之後, 新增的使用者, 其自家目錄(Home Directory) 出現在 /home1 或 /home2 ?

fengka 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

利用ssh -X ip 遠端連入linux主機

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redhat system:
It needs two steps
"useradd [account]" then
"passwd [account]"

ubuntu system:
Only one step
"adduser [account]"
it will ask you to input password at the same time

notice that: Commands to add a user in two systems are different!!

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本文引用自moiamond - X Window System

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enscript 可用於列印檔案


enscript -MA4 -r2G [target_file]

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